Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I Put My Hands Up...They're Playing My Song....Party in the USA

Just finished another 2 miles for the day.  Brings the total up to 12 for the walking project.  If you are doing the math, you will notice a week missing.  Last week, I was on a work-cation and found it very difficult to really get the miles completed.  I am pretty sure that with all of the steps I did walking all over DC, the convention center and Gettysburg, I got quite a few steps in, but I like to follow the plan.  I did try to work out in the hotel and bought a Leslie Sansone DVD to play in the room, but I'll be honest, it was really hard and I'm not in that great of shape to keep up with her just yet.  So when I got home I decided to redo week 2, so redo we do!

It occurred to me today on the treadmill that music really does make a difference.  It makes a difference in the pace, the stride, the speed, and heck sometimes encourages you to kick the speed up and just RUN.  If you don't know by now, I have made a career out of working in the field of AfterSchool.  We are always encouraging programs to find creative ways to get children active and suggesting that programs  start walking programs either on their own or through a specified curriculum, such as GoFar (, but do we ever include music in these programs?

I would like to say my children hooked me on Miley Cyrus' Party in the USA, but in fact it was Ohio State basketball player Jared Sullinger and his teammates video that went viral last year during basketball season.

Oh, come on, it's just cute.  So, I'm guessing that they aren't going to break into the recording industry. I wonder if they hear the chorus in their heads as they take to the court.  "the butterflys fly away"...

Another sports pump up song...Apach Jump On It!
Can you watch it without tapping your foot?  What songs do your children enjoy?

Maybe the younger ones or just the girls have the Beiber Fever...personally my boys enjoy this You Sping Me Round and  we tend to RUN when it comes on.  If you do the extended remix dance version you can almost run 1/4 of a mile - no lie.

Are you moving yet?  If you plan to start a walking or running program with your school-agers - pump up the tunes.  Make sure to pick songs that are appropriate for them lyric wise - you don't want to have to stop and explain Katy Perry's Last Friday Night lyrics or Usher's Lyrics in Yeah!

See what you can come up with and then share so the rest of us can enjoy them.

For those of you who read and follow this blog who are part of our walking program or just enjoying your own exercise program.  What songs do you enjoy working out too.  After all these miles I'm logging in on the treadmill, I'm ready to load something else to my ipod.  I've started with more 80's one hit wonders (there is a reason why they were one hits) and some 80's rock and roll - you know long hair, spandex, and make up - the bigger the hair, the better the band right?  Or maybe that was the one hit wonders.

Let's move and groove our way to better health!

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