Thursday, July 21, 2011

Some Inspiration...

If you are keeping track, today is day 4 of the first week of the 6 week walking project (courtesy of Leslie Sansone - thanks Leslie and I will be more than happy to give you all the credit - well, you and me for actually doing the work - if I'm successful!).  This morning when I got on the scale, it seemed to have actually moved, but I couldn't sure.  Course, I would have loved for it to have moved by 10lbs, but I know that's not a reality - still would be nice though.

Part of the 6 week project is to keep a journal, for me an online blog is much easier and I force myself to do it each night after I have done my work out.  Mainly to document the fact that I actually did my work out.

However, first tonight I want to reflect on my day and a source of inspiration.  A couple of nights ago I wrote about one of my friends who was recently diagnosed with diabetes and had to make some real life changes.  Today I shared some time with her as she celebrated the life of her father.  It was a tough time for all of the family and a path that must be one of the toughest to travel as a child.

When I first arrived at the funeral home my friend greeted me with a hug and I realized how much weight she has lost.  As I looked at her today, she looked just fabulous.  While it was probably one of the saddest days of her life, she looked absolutely radiant.  Recently ordained as a pastor, she had requested some time during the service to share a few words.  While grief was obviously trying to show itself, she kept great composure and poise as she delivered some lovely stories from her life with her dad and some comforting words of scripture.

She made the comment that growing up she had been the shy one - and that is how I remembered her.  In college, she was still shy.  We were both theatre majors - me on the stage wanting all of the attention and her behind the scenes managing everything.  I learned so much from her.  As a stage manager she was NEVER without ANYTHING an actor could ever want - a skill that I utilize in my workplace, as a mother, and as a trainer - we just have 'stuff' in our bags that people might need.  She was always the voice of encouragement telling me 'good job' or 'you sounded great' - cliche to say, but the wind beneath my wings during some of those grueling rehearsals and show schedules.

As theatre majors at our college you had to learn to do everything, so while being on stage was not her cup of tea, she had to do it.  But she preferred to be behind the scenes quietly moving in the catwalks and behind the curtains in the shadows.  Fast forward to the past year when she was ordained a minister and has become a completly different person - she commands attention, she is confident, she stands tall and proud, she has found herself, she has heard her calling, she is strong, and she is beautiful.  Not that she wasn't all of those things before, but now the confidence just comes out of her pores.  She has also found true love and her partner is one of the best things that has ever happened to her.  With this combination, nothing can stop her!

There were many pictures in the funeral home of years gone by and it's not until you look at them that you realize how much weight she has lost.  I am truly amazed and inspired.  Thank you my friend. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

So, today is Day 4 of Week 1 and I have officially logged in another mile or mile 4 on the treadmill.  Part walking, a little part running.  Some good tunes came on the ipod tonight (it's a shuffle you know and I really don't know how to work it, so I take what comes along).  We started out with:

Walking on Sunshine - Katrina and the Waves
Really how can you not have a spring in your step when listening to this.

followed by:

My Own Worst Enemy - Lit
If you need a running song, this one will do it for you.


Rock in America - Night Ranger (live)
The nice thing about live songs is it does sound like people are cheering for you - just sayin'.  The other nice thing about live songs is the tempo is usually a bit faster than studio versions, so the run continued.

ended with:
Forget You - C-Lo
Really - it's just a fun tune - you have to move!!!

Then for good measure, lifted a few weights and walked a slow pace to Proud Mary - Tina Turner

While I'm no expert in this or anything, good tunage certainly does make the work out more doable! 5 - almost ready to rest on day 7!

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