Wednesday, March 23, 2011

That Crazy Weight Loss Wagon Train

How many times have you fallen off of the wagon? I have tried to stop counting because it seems that everytime I start a new weight loss plan, I fall off of the wagon within about a week or so. This time was no different, however, for the first time in my middle aged life and umpteen attempts at weightloss and fitness, I managed to get back on the wagon in record time.

Since the last time I posted, I worked hard to do my Lenten Challenge of a simple walk in place with Leslie Sansone and continued to do the 5K plan that my sister had laid out for me. happened. I presented at a conference early one morning that moved into errands and then a dinner with my husband's office folks. Only to lead into a Saturday all day conference to come home and clean- you get the idea - go go go and whenever I stopped from being on the go - I seem to fall asleep.

Normally at this point once I have fallen off of the perverbial wagon I hang up my cowboy hat and say 'sayonara' for about 6 months. However, this time regardless of being off of the wagon for 6 days, I picked up my hat, dusted it off, and put it back on, and I am proud to say walked a little over a mile on the fast track and getting ready to do my simple 1 mile.

So....if you are like me and tend to fall off of the wagon...pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start again. What do you have to lose?

If you are new to the 5K challenge that is happening at this year's NAA Convention, it is NEVER too late to get started - all you have to do is walk three or four times a week a little bit at a time. You don't need fancy equipment just a good pair of shoes. Truth be told, I walk in bare feet when it's the walking mile in place (SSHH).

15-20 minutes is a good time frame and I find it goes faster when you can play some upbeat music. Here is the current walking set list for this week - don't judge me!

Cowboy - KidRock
Radio edited version. Hey, I said, don't judge me! It's a goofy song,
but has a nice beat and you can walk to it, especially when you are
just warming up. I like the whistling part - don't play it around the kids!
Apache -Sugar Hill Gang
a) the Sugar Hill Gang takes me back to junior high days and they are just
fun, b) it is the season of March Madness and this would be a basketball
warm up song (Let's Go BUCKEYES), and c) you just picture Will Smith dancing to it
from his Fresh Prince Days.
I Want You Back - Jackson 5
It is a very boppy type of song, you feel very light on your feet AND
you can sing along to it which makes the time go fast. If you are
so not into exercise like me, I recommend upbeat songs that take your
mind off of what your feet are doing. PLUS - it's always good to keep
a pace that you can still talk with someone - singing is the same thing.
I'm Your Man - George Michael
I enjoy George Michael - again, don't judge me, whatever gets you moving!
I used to walk to Freedom, but it's a 6 min song and you REALLY have to
like a song for 6 minutes when you are walking to it.
Miami - Will Smith
Welcome to Miami - I'm getting ready for NAA in Orlando. Orlando...
Miami....both Florida locations. Besides, it has a good walking beat - try it.
And for my cool down...
Black and White - Michael Jackson
I do enjoy the King of Pop - you either do or you don't - and this is one of his
shorter songs. Besides, it's a fun song that has a slower pace and I find I can
slow down my whole walk to move to the beat.
So there you have it - it's not rocket science - it's just music. Find 4 or 5 songs that you enjoy. Turn them up really loud and move your feet - walk in place in the house, walk around your house, walk up and down your driveway, walk through the living room, or walk on a treadmill or track - it really doesn't matter. Just move your body!
Until next time....walk on!

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